Mobile Hot Tub

Mobile Hot Tub

This year’s Stouffville Santa Clause Parade saw the entry of Todd Brothers Contracting in the form of a traveling hot tub. The parade entry was created from one large truck, lots of water and some pool parts and a generator.

Highway Tractor Pull at Markham Fair

Highway Tractor

Todd Brothers Contracting Ltd. 2013 entry into the Markham Fair’s highway tractor competition. This was the first outing with the new machine. We didn’t get the full pull this time. See you next year.

2013 Terry Fox Run in Stouffville

2013 Terry Fox Run in Stouffville

Ross received an award at the 2013 Terry Fox Run in Stouffville. It is a Certificate of Recognition presented to Todd Brothers. “For your kind

Treat for Troops from contractor


Ross Todd decided the troops needed more than just a coffee when they wake up Christmas morning, so he donated $3,000 to the Koffee in Kandahar program.